Evolution of teachers’ views on remote education of children with special educational needs in the time of the COVID-19 epidemic in the perspective of crisis theory





teacher, distance learning, crisis, COVID-19 epidemic


The purpose of the epistemological research was to find out about changes in teachers' views on remote work with a student with special educational needs during the COVID-19 epidemic. The practical goal was to formulate recommendations for the organization of pedagogical work in the future, because crises are a feature of postmodern times. The teachers reacted typical of a crisis situation. Initially, they feared that education would be impossible and that the students themselves would gain nothing. They saw the difficulties. After a period of peculiar overpowering, they adapted to new conditions with their novelty. They have shown creativity potential. They have gone from bias to competency development. Remote education has exposed gaps in school preparation in terms of hardware equipment. She revealed the dangers of depriving children of psychological support and loneliness. The integration of activities of all educational entities – teachers, parents, and students – was of fundamental importance. The curriculum was implemented. The competences of parents, teachers, and students were developed in difficult conditions. This work took the form of an unplanned, wide-ranging pedagogical experiment forced by life. The importance and variety of functions of the school and the teacher were realized.


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How to Cite

Żuraw, H. (2022). Evolution of teachers’ views on remote education of children with special educational needs in the time of the COVID-19 epidemic in the perspective of crisis theory. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, (22(15). https://doi.org/10.34739/sn.2022.22.11