К вопросу об участии граждан в охране общественного порядка от преступлений совершаемых мигрантами


  • Sergey Novikov Tambоvskiĭ gоsudarstvennyĭ universitet imeni G.R. Derzhavina
  • Aleksiej Pulik Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

Słowa kluczowe:

migration, illegal migration, public order, public security, public associations members of law enforcement focus


Migration processes have gained in the second half of the twentieth century a truly global scale, covering all continents of the planet, social strata and groups in society, the various spheres of public life. Democratic values distributed on the sphere of production, trade and finance led to active movement of migration from countries with low living standards in Europe more comfortable. According to UN experts, the total number of those who applied for asylum in the EU countries in 2015-2016 to exceed several million people. Of particular concern is the illegal migration. The negative effects of illegal migration of potentially pose a
high threat to national security and public order. Illegal migrants, in the absence of state protection mechanism for their rights and freedoms on the territory of the host country, lack of measures of social and legal protection. What causes them to be hard to find sources of income, so the majority of illegal migrants into the shadow criminal economy. Of particular danger to public safety is "street crimes" committed by illegal immigrants. In the struggle with it substantial aid could have members of public associations of law enforcement focus. Legalized part, under the leadership of law-enforcement bodies, citizens in the maintenance of public order is an example of the formation of a developed civil society.


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Jak cytować

Novikov, S., & Pulik, A. (2017). К вопросу об участии граждан в охране общественного порядка от преступлений совершаемых мигрантами. De Securitate Et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie I Obronności, 3(1), 48-57. https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/desecuritate/article/view/203