Interdisciplinarity of art therapy – art as an area of activity for art therapy


  • Janina Florczykiewicz


The origins of art therapy are located in the sphere of practice and are associated with the use of artistic media and forms of activity in the area of art in order to improve the operations of an individual. The development of methods and forms of art therapy activities is accompanied by a weak theoretical foundation, which is the cause of many inaccuracies and misunderstandings. The article is a response to the need to develop the theory of art therapy, it attempts to systematize existing knowledge: identifies the main theoretical currents, which are the basis for practical solutions, and discusses the two parallel developing its trends - medical and educational. An important aspect of the discussion is to emphasize the importance of art in art therapy activities. The reference to actions in the educational trend, as defined by the term "art education", is an attempt to initiate a discussion on reinstating the art of the associated status in activities aimed at the subjective development.


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How to Cite

Florczykiewicz, J. (2021). Interdisciplinarity of art therapy – art as an area of activity for art therapy. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 15(15(8), 25–41. Retrieved from