Disabled child among us


  • Hanna Dłutowska-Osik
  • Agnieszka Lipowska-Kuźba


The thesis presents the ways of dealing with the difficulties in working with disabled children and it is related to the involving education. The thesis includes short analyses, which aim is the attempt of determining the teachers who are successful in teaching children with special educational needs. The analysis also includes the script of the therapeutic classes. The problem of school effectiveness is still present. Knowing the complexity of the problem, we may talk about the teacher’s abilities. A teacher is a specialist who understands and knows the needs of his or her students. The teacher is a very creative person, who can use his skills while working with children, making the classes very involving and interesting. He is always appropriately prepared for the classes and uses the teaching methods and educational tools. The efficient teacher carries out the classes correctly, involving all of the students, fulfilling the aims of the lesson. He has the right attitude towards the students and the ability for making acquaintanceships with other people. He presents pedagogical talent and very advanced propriety. The enumerated features enables the creation of appropriate atmosphere while working with children, including disabled children. The present goal of the school or kindergarten is to ensure the education for each child, regardless on their health condition. Not so long time ago, the disabled children with crippledom were exempted from learning duty or they were sent to the institutions or simply they stayed at home under their parents’ nurturance.


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How to Cite

Dłutowska-Osik, H., & Lipowska-Kuźba, A. (2019). Disabled child among us. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 16(16(9), 207–223. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/studentniepelnosprawny/article/view/1167