Kształtowanie się stanowiska Polski wobec europejskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa i obrony Unii Eropejskiej


  • Jerzy Stańczyk


This article concerns problems of evolution of the Polish position towards the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) of the European Union (EU) since the Polish aspirations to accession to the EU. Therefore, the first point is addressed to the Polish position on these issues prior to accession to the EU. There are analyzed the then EU's relations with NATO, including the problem of their mutual competition, and Polish< anxiety concerns to this issue. There are discussed the efforts of following governments and key political positions. It is proved that the process of gradual improvement of relations between the EU and the NATO meant that Poland became increasingly modify its skeptical position towards the European initiatives. The main attention is focused on the possibility of the implementation of Poland's national interests. There is presented intensification of Polish involvement in the creation of the ESDP. A particular manifestation of Polish involvement in the development of the ESDP became our involved in the creation of the EU’ Battlegroups. There are presented problems relating to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and changes in the documents of the Polish national security, too. Moreover, there are analyzed changes in the international situation and relations between major Polish partners in the EU. An important issue, which is discussed in this article, is the involvement of Poland in the EU mission in Africa, and the importance of Polish initiative of the „Eastern Partnership”. The author argues that Poland needs for its national security the two institutions, both the EU and the NATO. Therefore, in the interest of Poland is to support European initiatives to strengthen the ESDP.


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How to Cite

Stańczyk, J. (2019). Kształtowanie się stanowiska Polski wobec europejskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa i obrony Unii Eropejskiej. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 7(7), 147-158. https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/doctrina/article/view/1432

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