The conditions, challenges and threats to Poland’s international security in the context of the war in Ukraine




international security, national security, cyber security, armed conflict, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization


The aim of the article is to focus considerations and outline the conditions, challenges, and potential threats to Poland's international security in the current geopolitical situation, primarily from Russia.The research problem was formulated in the question: what should be the directions of policy in order to ensure Poland's international security. The research hypothesis that has been verified in the article is that the core of Poland's international security is close cooperation within the Euro-Atlantic alliance and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, the European Union and the adoption of an international security strategy consistent with all countries directly neighboring Poland. The research methods that were used to verify the adopted hypothesis and solve the research problem are mainly the analysis of the literature listed in the bibliography, as well as the synthesis, inference and generalization of the conclusions drawn as a result of the analysis. The answer to the research question was given as a solution to the research problem addressed in the article. The assumed research hypothesis was verified and the conclusions were included in the summary. The issues raised in the article seem to be justified especially in the era of the ongoing conflict and the ongoing war beyond our eastern border, caused by the armed attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Jakimiec, J. (2023). The conditions, challenges and threats to Poland’s international security in the context of the war in Ukraine. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 9(1), 48–61.