Transformations of the democratic order




democracy, international order, international security, globalization, transformation


As the number of autocracies in the world grows, democracy appears under threat around the world. Not only new democracies, but even established Western democracies themselves have fallen into varying degrees of self-diagnosed crisis. The aim of this article is to present the directions of transformation of the democratic order both in the context of the political system and the features of international relations. This article focuses on threats to democracy, with an emphasis on the inter-related challenges (e. g. globalization, technological revolution, terrorism, etc.). The leading international position of the USA as a democratic state was also to guarantee a democratic approach to building a new world order based on equal participation and respect for all participants in international relations. However, democracy has not become a panacea for the problems of the contemporary world.


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2023-09-28 — Updated on 2023-09-29


How to Cite

Drygiel-Bielińska, M. (2023). Transformations of the democratic order. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 9(1), 95–110. (Original work published September 28, 2023)