Efficiency of cross-border information exchange





law enforcement cooperation, information exchange, European Union, Schengen, transborder crime, EU law


The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the influencing factors of international police information exchange conducted by the Single Points of Contact (SPOC) and the Police and Customs Cooperation Centre (PCCC) within the EU. The author achieves this goal by introducing the relevant scientific theories and the results of the conducted quantitative research. The research identifies the influencing environments of cross-border information exchange and through this, finds supporting and hindering factors such as organisational structure, culture, leadership, legislation, and ICT environment. Findings can help decision makers and end users to overcome everyday obstacles.


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Author Biography

Gabor Kemeny , University of Public Service; Hungarian National Police

starszy funkcjonariusz policji węgierskiej. Pracował jako śledczy oraz szef Komendy Miejskiej Policji. Był zaangażowany w kilka misji międzynarodowych. Obecnie jest doktorantem i prowadzi badania z zakresu wymiany informacji między organami ścigania.




How to Cite

Kemeny , G. . (2020). Efficiency of cross-border information exchange. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 6(2), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.34739/dsd.2020.02.02