Review of the monograph Mariusz Antoni Kamiński: Obrona narodowa Republiki Estonii [National Defense of the Republic of Estonia] Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2019.


  • Grzegorz Kozłowski Ambasada RP w Tallinie



Estonia, national defense, review




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Author Biography

Grzegorz Kozłowski, Ambasada RP w Tallinie

Ph.D., lawyer and economist, professional diplomat. A graduate of the University of Bialystok and the Warsaw School of Economics. Doctor of economic sciences. Since 2018, the Polish ambassador to the Republic of Estonia. Previous functions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Director of the Department of America (2013-2018), Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation (2012-2013), Head of the Economic Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington (2008-2012), First Secretary, Counselor and First Counselor in the Department of Security Policy (2004-2008), III and II Secretary in the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to NATO and WEU (1999-2004), Senior Expert in the Department of European Security Policy (1999). Recent publications: The Position of Burden Sharing in Current US Security Policy Vis-à-vis European Allies, “Baltic Journal of European Studies” Vol. 9, No 4 (29), 2019, pp. 108-126. Poland and Estonia as Allies of the United States. Several Observations on Terminology and Asymmetry of Relations, “Security Forum” Vol. 3 No. 2 2019, pp. 7-21; Evolution of Political and Security Relationship Between the Republic of Poland and the United States of America in the Years 1999-2019, “Journal on Baltic Security” Vol. 5 Iss. 2 (Dec 2019), pp. 41-51.



How to Cite

Kozłowski, G. (2020). Review of the monograph Mariusz Antoni Kamiński: Obrona narodowa Republiki Estonii [National Defense of the Republic of Estonia] Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2019. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 6(1), 269–273.