Between Freedom and Security – The Social And Legal Consequences of Terrorist Attacks in Europe in the Early 21st Century




terrorism, fight against terrorism, human rights, civil liberties, anti-terrorism law


The world of the beginning of the 21st century was shocked by dramatic and very tragic terrorist attacks. On September 11, 2001, the WTC towers in New York collapsed. Three years later, bombs exploded in Madrid and then in London. Years 2015-2016 were marked by a series of attacks in Europe. Each subsequent incident brought a change in the sense of threat to terrorism in the communities of all European countries. The radicalization of human views and attitudes regarding ways to combat terrorism has become noticeable. This also translated into the perception of others – foreign nations in each country. Taking the fight against terrorism, individual countries introduced law changes. On the one hand it’s giving new and powerful opportunities for security services, on the other hand, significantly limiting civil rights and freedoms.


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Author Biography

Mariusz Sokołowski, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych

Ph.D. in humanities, police inspector in the field of law, assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Warsaw, expert in internal security; scientific specialty: public relations of services responsible for security, police forces of EU countries, modern methods of combating terrorism. His scientific achievements include publications such as: PR in State Institutions [in:] 25 years of PR in Poland, Warsaw 2016, pp. 147–156; European Union Police, Warsaw 2011; Socialization of Police Activities in a Democratic State of Law [in:] Three Dimensions of Modern Security, ed. by S. Sulowski, M. Brzeziński, Warsaw, 2015, pp. 295-309; Press and Information Activities of a Public Institution on the Example of the Polish Police, “Political Studies” No. 34, 2014, pp. 211-225; Road Safety, Main Directions and Prognosis [in:] Education as a Chance to Improve Road Safety, Zamość 2013, pp. 31–35.



How to Cite

Sokołowski, M. (2020). Between Freedom and Security – The Social And Legal Consequences of Terrorist Attacks in Europe in the Early 21st Century. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 6(1), 136–157.