Muslim Terrorism in European Union. Radicalization of Religious Views Among Immigrants From Middle East




Islam, terrorism, attempt, religion, attack


The article is an analysis of the current situation in European Union caused by the "terrorist tension" and defines the phenomenon of Muslim religious terrorism. Selected terrorist acts made in Europe in 2015-2019 in the context of religious radicalism were discussed. Attention was paid to the profile of the Muslim terrorist and the motives of his actions and readiness for suicide. In addition, the article discusses the reasons for the radicalization of views among Muslims living in Europe. Shaping radical attitudes in the Muslim community is a way of defending religious values against Western cultural aggression. Also important are religious centers of Islam, and therefore imams and mosques, which are financed by Muslim radicals.


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Author Biography

Aldona Maria Piwko, Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczno-Humanistyczna w Podkowie Leśnej, Instytut Turystyki, Zakład Badań Tekstów Kulturowych

accoc. prof., Religious studies scholar and Islamologist, cooperates with OSS SG in Lubań. Author of over 100 scientific and popular science articles on Islam and encyclopedic entries. A specialist in Islam, Muslim culture and art, as well as an expert in cultural security, terrorism and migration from the Middle East and Maghreb. Member of the Polish Society for Security Sciences. She lectured at the Polish Academy of Sciences and Sulkhan - Saba Orbeliani Teaching University in Georgia. Expert of Third Workshop of a Pilot Project No 5. and the National Agency for Academic Exchange.



How to Cite

Piwko, A. M. (2020). Muslim Terrorism in European Union. Radicalization of Religious Views Among Immigrants From Middle East. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 6(1), 118–135.