International Administration in Donbas: Ways of Implementation on the Basis of Experience of Peacekeeping Processes in the Balkans and in East Timor




The article discusses the experience of creation of peacekeeping missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eastern Slavonia, Kosovo and East Timor with the use of comparative method. It also raises the role of international and regional actors in post-conflict peacebuilding. The author presents some practical solutions for the implementation of the effective peace process in eastern Ukraine, aimed at the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories.


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Author Biography

  • Andrii Razmietaiev, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Department of Political Science, Sociology and Cultural Science

    Ph.D. student of political science at the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Culture Studies at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Research interests: political regimes, theory and history of state and law, problems of sovereignty, globalization and world order. He is currently studying the political and legal aspects of modern armed conflicts and post-conflict peacebuilding.




How to Cite

Razmietaiev, A. (2019). International Administration in Donbas: Ways of Implementation on the Basis of Experience of Peacekeeping Processes in the Balkans and in East Timor. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 5(1), 135-143.