Купринский текст в Алмазной колеснице Бориса Акунина


  • Danuta Szymonik Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

Słowa kluczowe:

Alexander Kuprin, Boris Akunin, Staff Captain Rybnikov, The Diamond chariot, Intertextual


The article is devoted to two literary masterpieces, which are as follows: a short
story of the classic Alexander Kuprin and a novel of the modern writer Boris
Akunin. The piece of work by Akunin The Diamond Chariot is considered in the
context of intertextual ties with the short story by Kuprin Staff Captain Rybnikov.
The Intertextual ties with the pretext are revealed at many layers of The Diamond
chariot. They are connected with the character of the Japanese spy, who
acts in the both works under the name Vasiliy Rybnikov. Besides in the novel by
Akunin we observe similarities of scenes and situations as well as treatment of
various types of arts, which is typical of the Kuprin’s prose, in particular in the
short story Staff Captain Rybnikov.


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Jak cytować

Szymonik, D. (2018). Купринский текст в Алмазной колеснице Бориса Акунина. Conversatoria Litteraria, (12), 177–186. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/conversatorialitteraria/article/view/641

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