The Church, “Solidarity” and the Americans. Clergy contacts with the U.S. embassy in Warsaw between August 1980 and December 1981




Kościół katolicki w Polsce, "karnawał" "Solidarności", Ambasada USA w Polsce


During the „Solidarity carnival” period, the U.S. embassy in Warsaw tried to get as much information as possible about what was really going on in Poland. In view of the initial lack of developed contacts among NSZZ activists, American diplomats attempted to contact intellectuals, people of culture, students, as well as PZPR members. Among the most important circles with which relationships were established were the Catholic clergy, mainly the hierarchical one (but not exclusively), and the lay Catholic community (primarily the KIK). During the 16 months of Solidarity’s legal existence, the Americans repeatedly met with the priests, trying to persuade them to talk at length and to characterize Polish reality frankly. These were often eager to provide answers, seeing Western diplomats not only as grateful listeners, but also as an instrument for pursuing their own political interests. In the article, the author, based on selected examples, briefly discusses these ambiguous contacts, the background and most important context of which remained „Solidarity”.


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Archiwum Instytut Pamięci Narodowej

Edycje źródłowe

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How to Cite

Pleskot, P. (2023). The Church, “Solidarity” and the Americans. Clergy contacts with the U.S. embassy in Warsaw between August 1980 and December 1981. Tempus, 1.