Let’s convert difficulties into opportunities! About the teaching difficulties of students of grades I-III as challenges for teachers


  • Paulina Kosznik-Osowicka Akademia Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni




difficulties with studying, teaching difficulties, teaching failures, teachers' competences, early school teaching, challanges of early school education


This article concerns the identification of challenges faced by teachers of grades 1-3. It focuses on students' teaching problems in the context of a challenge for the teacher. These considerations concern the role of teachers for the learning individual in terms of problems that arise in acquiring knowledge. The detailed objectives of the research were to provide knowledge about the commitment and determination of teachers in overcoming the teaching difficulties of their students and the entire spectrum of competences they possess. Research has shown that the main difficulty faced by students is concentration problems. In addition, teachers face various challenges: from contacts with specialists, through contacts with parents, to their expectations towards the school and the entire early childhood education system.


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How to Cite

Kosznik-Osowicka, P. (2023). Let’s convert difficulties into opportunities! About the teaching difficulties of students of grades I-III as challenges for teachers. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, (16(23). https://doi.org/10.34739/sn.2023.23.08