A, The Implementation of inclusive education in the opinion of the school educator on the example of Primary School 12 in Siedlce





edukacja włączająca, pedagog szkolny, osoby niepełnosprawne, wspieranie, pomoc


This article describes the implementation and delivery of inclusive education for all students attending a given institution. The article addresses the fact that psychological and pedagogical help is needed not only by students with decisions or opinions, but also by supporting the development of exceptionally gifted students. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to work and support a school pedagogue with specialists. Through a reliable diagnosis and appropriately tailored forms of help, the educator is able to reach a larger group of the school community and create conditions worthy of appropriate ac-tivity in the school of each student, taking into account their smallest problems related to functioning in a peer group. The analysis made in the text shows the dependence of the implementation of inclusive education in performing the function of a school pedagogue on the example of Primary School No. 12 in Siedlce.


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How to Cite

Soszyńska, K. (2022). A, The Implementation of inclusive education in the opinion of the school educator on the example of Primary School 12 in Siedlce. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, (22(15). https://doi.org/10.34739/sn.2022.22.14