The capability development of socially maladjusted people diagnosis of resocialization effects in youth educational centre


  • Mariusz Dobijański


The intention of the author is to present the diagnosis problem in the resocialization process. The educational institutions are facing expectations, which primarily relate to the effectiveness in resocialization of juvenile at risk of social maladjustment or socially maladjusted. The article gives a description of the performance testing system of the students during the resocialization process in Youth Educational Centre in Jaworek. The system is in pilotage. It is an innovative, original project and its aim is to plan an appropriate educational activities (an effective and efficient), which reinforce students' strengths and restrain (correct) the influence of factors, that weaken the change in their behaviour.


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How to Cite

Dobijański, M. (2021). The capability development of socially maladjusted people diagnosis of resocialization effects in youth educational centre. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 15(15(8), 159–172. Retrieved from