Methods to prevent regressive processes – between andragogy revalidation and gerontogogica


  • Beata Boczukowa


andragogy revalidation, an adult with disability, preparation for old age, continuing education, prevention


In this paper, the author sought to demonstrate that the methods of prevention processes regressive are essentials for the proper conduct of the educational process and its results as well as in the preparation of man to the period of old age, coping life, occupation, participation in culture, family life and social. It was justified by the particular impact of these methods on the lives of people with disabilities, deprived by fate wholesome existence and the resulting disability hardships. It also highlighted the special role of prevention and education in preparing man to old age. For the test used test methods andragogy revalidation. The research of this sub-discipline andragogy a system of adult learning disabilities, its suitability for integration purposes, content, forms and methods of education of people with disabilities. Since the issue of research also applies to the period of late adulthood, components are used gerontogogika as the science of education and training of older people. The study allowed to draw a conclusion about the need for a deeper understanding of the rational meeting the educational needs of people with disabilities, which in turn leads to their empowerment, dignified life and work.


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How to Cite

Boczukowa, B. (2019). Methods to prevent regressive processes – between andragogy revalidation and gerontogogica. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 16(16(9), 179–191. Retrieved from