The theatre of mentally handicapped people in the context of integration

Case study based on the theatre group „Rabarbar”


  • Justyna Juszczak


The article is entitled “The theatre of mentally handicapped people in the context of integration (case study based on the theatre group “Rabarbar”)”. The article describes the history of the theatre group “Rabarbar”, where the actors are mentally handicapped people. It presents methods of working with the mentally handicapped, with the special consideration to a drama method. The influence on life of the handicapped is analysed throughout the text, as well as the
improvement of social skills of the handicapped actors through taking part in theatre classes. The article points to the integrative properties of the theatre and its social character. It describes, among other things, the project called “Ciaptak”, the aim of which was to integrate adolescents with a group of the mentally handicapped and promote tolerance and positivity. It also underlines the important role of the theatre “Rabarbar” in local environment in the perspective of social integration.


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How to Cite

Juszczak, J. (2021). The theatre of mentally handicapped people in the context of integration: Case study based on the theatre group „Rabarbar”. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 13(13(6), 113-128.