The phenomenon of frustration during adolescence and early youth


  • Olga Tzarkova
  • Tatiana Rabota


phenomenon, frustration, teenager, young people


The article presents the issues of frustration and its impact on development and social functioning of units in adolescence and early youth. It analyzes the definitions, scientific theories and the current state of research on the issue of frustration. Growing up is a period of time in which there is a need to cope with societal needs and new challenges. It's time to overcome a variety of problems. Status of frustration is especially dangerous for children and adolescents. It can be a source of serious personality disorders, and problems with social adaptation. To reduce the devastating effects of the state of frustration for personal and social development of young people, there should be taken appropriate and systematic psychological support in the adequate time.


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How to Cite

Tzarkova, O., & Rabota, T. (2021). The phenomenon of frustration during adolescence and early youth. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 14(14(7), 141-151.