Kierunki doskonalenia systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w kontekście ochrony ludności i ratownictwa




The subject of this study is civil protection and rescue implemented
as part of the crisis management system which is the most important mechanism in Poland to monitor potential threats, prepare for effective prevention
against their occurrence and efficient and comprehensive response in the
event of a crisis, as well as comprehensive removing the effects of extraordinary events. The implementation of the indicated tasks of the system boils
down mainly to direct and indirect forms of civil protection and rescue, as well environment. This study presents the functioning of civil protection and rescue as well as crisis management systems in practice. It is a reference to the
legal and organizational aspects, planning, financing of activities, as well as
the human resources and material and technical facilities they have at their
disposal. It indicates the gaps and needs occurring in the operation of systems and it also defines further directions proposed for research and development of systems


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How to Cite

Zakrzewska, S. (2021). Kierunki doskonalenia systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w kontekście ochrony ludności i ratownictwa. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 18(18).