The Main Security Threats of the West after the Cold War. The Geopolitical Aspect




The article discusses major threats that the Western society has had
to deal with after the end of the Cold War. This issue seems to be of particular
concern due to the fact that nowadays certain new trends in the world of geopolitics can be observed. Due to the change in the global balance of power after
the year 1991, the role of the main geostrategic actors has also changed while
new actors have begun to appear. Among the new challenges for the geostrategic position of the West there are the military ambitions of the Russian Federation and the economic hegemonic aspirations of China. Other threats include
terrorism, mass migration, transnational organized crime, infectious diseases,
and environmental degradation.


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2021-09-01 — Updated on 2022-03-11


How to Cite

Dalinczuk, L. (2022). The Main Security Threats of the West after the Cold War. The Geopolitical Aspect. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 18(18). (Original work published September 1, 2021)