Историческая память как фактор жизнестойкости


  • Антон Посадский Поволжский институт управления им. П.А. Столыпина филиал Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы Факультет политико-правового управления Россия https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8738-7487




The article is devoted to preserving the historical memory of the civil
war in Russia. The author shows the growing interest in the subject of historical
memory in recent decades. The memory of the events of the civil war is very
uneven. The memory of those who were defeated, but did not go into exile, is
almost unclaimed. This situation gives a distorted picture of the events of 1917-1922 in the modern mass consciousness. The author draws attention to the peculiarities of local memory of the events of the civil war and evaluates the
research opportunities for the demand for memory of events of a century ago.


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How to Cite

Посадский, А. . (2021). Историческая память как фактор жизнестойкости. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 18(18). https://doi.org/10.34739/doc.2021.18.11