Латыши в Полоцком округе БССР





The article is devoted to the analysis of the situation of Latvian
population in Polack region of the BSSR in 1924–1930 and 1935–1938. The
author considers the main Latvian colonies on the territory of the region and
shows the changes in the life of Latvian peasants in connection with the
transformations in the economic and cultural spheres. Particular attention
were paid to the activities of the Latvian Bureau under the Polack region
Committee of the CP(b)B, which implemented the national policy of the Bolsheviks and collected a large layer of information about the life of Latvians in
the 1920s
. Finally, the author analyzes the social transformations of the 1930s
which changed the structure of the Latvian population as well as the tragic
fate of Latvians during the years of the Great Terror


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How to Cite

Королёв, М. (2021). Латыши в Полоцком округе БССР. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 18(18). https://doi.org/10.34739/doc.2021.18.07