Tomistyczne ujęcie genezy państwa u Feliksa Konecznego


  • Andrzej Marek Nowik


Feliks Koneczny considered historical events a starting point for a theory of the origin of the state which within the confines of experience were recognized as primary to any intellectual speculation. In historical synthesis Koneczny referred to Thomistic metaphysics which he considered the first and fundamental discipline; he espoused existential Thomism of Jacques Maritain and frequently referred to personalism. In the study of the origin of the state Koneczny finally brought all the rules he discovered to theses of a moral character. As a guiding principle he indicated supremacy of interpersonal relationships in political life.


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How to Cite

Nowik, A. M. (2019). Tomistyczne ujęcie genezy państwa u Feliksa Konecznego. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 8(8), 151–155. Retrieved from