Korupcja przeszkodą w walce z narkotykami




Słowa kluczowe:

corruption, illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, drug-related corruption, prevention


The article provides an insight into drug-related corruption as a social legal phenomenon. The aim of the article is to provide the criminological framework of drug-related corruption by analyzing theoretical and practical problems. The subject of the study is corruption as a negative social phenomenon related to the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, as well as directions of prevention of this phenomenon. Drug-related corruption is a relatively new criminological concept. Taking into consideration that one of the most difficult problems today is the prevention of crime, analysis of these phenomena is an important subject of research within criminology. Therefore, constant criminological analysis of this negative phenomenon is necessary by identifying preventive measures, methods and measures. The content of various documents, opinions and scientists‘ perspectives form the basis for this research. The authors used several methods of general scientific research and the following specific methods: monographic, logically constructive method, logical interpretation, statistical methods and method of interpretation of legal norms.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogramy autorów

  • Andrej Vilks - Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Law

    doktor nauk prawnych, profesor, dziekan Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu Stradiņńa w Rydze, Łotwa. Promotor sześciu obronionych prac doktorskich. Autor ponad 280 artykułów naukowych.Obszar zainteresowań: polityka prawna, kryminologia, dewiantologia

  • Aldona Kipāne - Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Law

    dr nauk prawnych., wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Stradiņńa w Rydze. Praca doktorska na temat kryminologicznych aspektów przemocy seksualnej. Zainteresowania badawcze: polityka prawna, prawa karnego, kryminologii, dewiantologia. Autorka kilku monografii naukowych.



Jak cytować

Vilks, A., & Kipāne , A. (2020). Korupcja przeszkodą w walce z narkotykami . De Securitate Et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie I Obronności, 5(2), 166-180. https://doi.org/10.34739/dsd.2019.02.10