„Robert Schumann und Clara Wieck gegen Friedrich Wieck, Vater der Mitklägerin”. Zwischen Erwartungen und Liebe – zum Bild der Vater – Tochter Beziehung am Beispiel von Clara Schumann und Friedrich Wieck




Słowa kluczowe:

letter , artistic couple, emancipation


Clara and Robert Schumann are the most famous nineteenth-century artistic couple. In the background of their life story there is, probably, the most famous dispute in music history: Clara Schumann's father, the ambitious piano teacher Friedrich Wieck, refused Schumann when the latter asked for the hand of his daughter. In the article, the author analyzes the correspondence between Clara and Robert as well as the letters to Clara’s father. They prove of the fight between the two men and illustrate Clara’s sensuality and variety of emotions, as well as present her self-strategy. The aim of this article is to describe the reasons for the conflict, based on their correspondence, court testimonies as well as their social and family background.


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Jak cytować

Jagłowska, A. (2022). „Robert Schumann und Clara Wieck gegen Friedrich Wieck, Vater der Mitklägerin”. Zwischen Erwartungen und Liebe – zum Bild der Vater – Tochter Beziehung am Beispiel von Clara Schumann und Friedrich Wieck. Conversatoria Litteraria, 16(XVI). https://doi.org/10.34739/clit.2022.16.02

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