Sensory speech therapy as support for the development of child's speech. The case study




speech therapy, sensory integration, sensory processing disorder, speech disorders


The aim of this study is to present the connections between speech disorders and sensory integration processing and disorders in children’s functioning and suggestions of therapeutic activities. Sensory processing dysfunctions may affect the development of cognitive functions and speech. In this study I would like to emphasize the effectiveness of elements of the sensory integration therapy. Multisensory methods influence the sense of balance. They also shape the child's motor skills, coordination, the ability to plan, and communicate at the same time, stimulating communication and general speech development.


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How to Cite

Serzysko-Zdanowska, M. . (2021). Sensory speech therapy as support for the development of child’s speech. The case study. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, (21 (14).