Transdisciplinary modeling as a correctional and developmental strategy in the conditions of inclusion




interdisciplinary approach, modelling, algorithm, technology, personal development


Life in increasingly digitalised society demands high levels of education from
contemporary man. To meet that demand, inclusive education has to come up with
new strategies. Solutions can be found in a interdisciplinary approach to education. On
this basis, the use of modelling with elementary mathematics as a way of integrating diverse
academic subjects in the school curriculum is being developed. New interdisciplinary
educational technologies are created and their applicability and effect on both
students with and without learning disabilities are tested. The experiments are carried
out in a standard learning environment with the participation of disabled students. The
paper presents the results and, finally, conclusions are drawn.


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How to Cite

Karaivanova, M. . (2021). Transdisciplinary modeling as a correctional and developmental strategy in the conditions of inclusion. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, (21 (14).