Pedagogical aspects of preparing future teachers to work in inclusive educational environment


  • Anatolij Smantser


инклюзивное образование, дети с особыми образовательными потребностями, модель, моделирование, компоненты (нормативно-правовой, теоретико-методологический, мотивационно-целевой, содержательноинформационный, операционально-технологический, организационно планирующий, эмоционально-волевой, оценочно-рефлексивный, результативнокорректирующий), сопровождение


The article high lights the theoretical and methodological aspects of the simulation training of future teachers to work in inclusive education , the essence of the modelis defined as the equivalent descriptions of real actions of the future teachers in inclusive education is a component of the model: the legal (statutory and legal acts of inclusion) theoretical and methodological (axiological, humanistic, systemic and other approaches), motivational target (motives, goals of inclusive activities ), content- information (inclusive excursions into the psychological and pedagogical disciplines , special courses for choice with the inclusive theme), operational and technology (skills, skills, competencies, technology in the field of inclusion), organizational planning (organization activities, planning the inclusion), emotional and volitional (creating emotional spirit, the implementation of willpower), appraisal and reflective (assessment, reflection results inclusiveof preparation), efficiently - adjustment (justification of the results inclusive of preparation, its correction).


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How to Cite

Smantser, A. (2021). Pedagogical aspects of preparing future teachers to work in inclusive educational environment. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 14(14(7), 119–139. Retrieved from