Inclusive education − the change for the education the children with disability


  • Laura Izabela Jurga


The long process of accepting a child with disability begins in the family. The key issue is what to do not to make his disability be more important then his of her personality and natural needs. The use of a revalidation approach may be a way to facilita te the developmend of his selfcare and independence. Kindergarden and school can help in making full developmend of child`s potentials. One of the most vitol factors is conected with the child`s learning and playing in other words with other children among his of her peers. However, the point is how to organise education for children with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Jurga, L. I. (2021). Inclusive education − the change for the education the children with disability. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 15(15(8), 43–52. Retrieved from