Formation of basic intercultural competence in children as a resource for implementing the tasks of inclusive education


  • Ludmila Grimovskaya



preschool education, inclusive education, intercultural competence


At the present stage of social development, the attention of teachers to the creation of conditions for the formation of children and for preparing them for successful life and activities in a multicultural environment as an adult person is increasing. In the new conditions of cultural diversity of the world community, the search for ways to form intercultural competence in children of preschool age, an understanding of the equivalence of all cultural groups, and respect for any differences are of particular importance. Solving this problem plays an important role in the aspect of inclusive education, which implies co-education and education of all children, taking into account the diversity of educational needs. In connection with the above, the urgency of finding ways to form intercultural competence as a resource for implementing inclusive practices at the first level of general education is not in doubt. The studies have revealed that the conditions for the formation of intercultural competence in preschool age are as follows: conducting a phased diagnosis of the level of intercultural competence of the individual to define the content that reveals the diversity of cultures; focusing on productive ways of assigning information; using technologies that involve children in various activities, helping to gain and develop experience of interaction with representatives of different cultural groups.


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How to Cite

Grimovskaya , L. (2019). Formation of basic intercultural competence in children as a resource for implementing the tasks of inclusive education. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 19(19(12), 33–42.