Methodology of the training in health care system for preparation of the future medical professionals to work with children and adults with special needs


  • Elena Zheleva


Children and adults with special needs are members of our society and take their place in it. They develop themselves and live among us. Share their lives with friends, neighbors and relatives. The methodology of training in health care aims to reveal and outline the system of training of future medical specialists to work with children and adults with special needs in the high school. The study presents the process and the conditions under which the methodology is a factor in the system of training of the specialists to work with these individuals. Presented "Individual healthcare plan" contains valuable information for needy children and adults with special needs care.


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How to Cite

Zheleva, E. (2019). Methodology of the training in health care system for preparation of the future medical professionals to work with children and adults with special needs. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 16(16(9), 97–108. Retrieved from