Discrimination of people with intellectual disability in culture in the opinion of parents and students of pedagogy


  • Leszek Ploch


discrimination, intellectual disability, participation in culture, parents, students


Individuals with intellectual disability are frequently victims discriminating behaviour. It is often discrimination due to the level of revealed abilities and the peculiarity of establishing individual contacts. The phenomenon of discrimination is especially harmful and dangerous if it is preferred by culture and art workers, organizers of cultural events and therapists. Experiencing any discriminating attitudes towards the forms of activity in culture taken by individuals with intellectual disability is especially painful for them. The author's research carried out with the diagnostic survey method among 60 parents and 115 students confirmed the occurrence of the phenomenon of discrimination towards individuals with intellectual disability in places where culture and art are spread. The properties describing the phenomenon of discrimination appeared essential primarily at the stage of critical understating the careers of those participants in culture and their effective adaptation including them in their environment, also the creative one.


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How to Cite

Ploch, L. (2019). Discrimination of people with intellectual disability in culture in the opinion of parents and students of pedagogy. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 18(18(11)2018), 185-201. https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/studentniepelnosprawny/article/view/1203