Preventive actions in educational work found in Polish system of education


  • Anna Antas-Jaszczuk


preventive actions, school, preventive strategies and programs, teacher, Poland


Preventive action plays a significant role when referred to children and youth while growing or becoming mature. It is a phase when there can be found intensive personality changes. It is also a moment in growing up susceptible to disruptions and taking up risky actions. That means that leading a child towards maturity is both educating as well as a preventive action. School has always been an important, initially even the only place where preventive programs were implemented. During the last few years there has been observed in Polish system of education intensity of actions in the area of preventive programs. Its key aspects concern above all: studies over the efficiency of preventive programs, local and school preventive strategies, diagnosis of the problems conditions and the basis towards further preventive actions, constructing School Preventive Programs, place and role for the teacher in school preventive actions and finally evaluation of these acts.


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How to Cite

Antas-Jaszczuk, A. (2019). Preventive actions in educational work found in Polish system of education. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 16(16(9), 15-25.