Zagrożenia inkluzji społecznej dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w Bułgarii
W artykule przedstawiono szereg zagadnień, dotyczących zagrożeń inkluzji społecznej dzieci ze SPE, związanych z zamykaniem szkół specjalnych. Zagrożenia związane z włączeniem wszystkich dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi do szkoły masowej wynikają z: nieprzygotowania nauczyciela szkoły masowej do pracy z dziećmi ze SPE, brakiem wystarczającej liczby nauczycieli, którzy są przygotowani do takiej pracy, ogólnym problemem tolerancji i postrzegania dzieci ze SPE.
Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.
Suharuk T. Humanistic Ideas and Inclusive Education. // Formation of the citizen
and the professional in the conditions of the university education.
First Book. Volume two. Gabrovo, 2012 (in Bulgarian).
Niveglovska A., Vishnevska M. The teacher's skill sets up practical training in
pedagogy at the University of Natural Sciences and Engineering in
Sedlce// Theory and practice of the psychological and pedagogical training
of the specialist in the university. First Book. Volume two.
Gabrovo 2015. (in Bulgarian).
Smantzer A.P., Kurbyko Z.S. Essential characteristics of psychologically safe heterogeneous
inclusive educational environment. // Theory and practice
of the psychological and pedagogical training of the specialist in the
university. The second book. Gabrovo 2016. (in Bulgarian).
Fedotenko I.L. Preparation of the future teacher for accompanying children
in inclusive educational institutions.//Psychological-pedagogical problems
of the development of the personality of the professional in the
conditions of the university education. Volume two. Gabrovo 2014
(in Bulgarian).
Yuvko E. Health education in Poland.// Psychological-pedagogical problems of
the development of the personality of the professional in the conditions
of the university education. Volume two. Gabrovo 2014 (in Bulgarian).
and the professional in the conditions of the university education.
First Book. Volume two. Gabrovo, 2012 (in Bulgarian).
Niveglovska A., Vishnevska M. The teacher's skill sets up practical training in
pedagogy at the University of Natural Sciences and Engineering in
Sedlce// Theory and practice of the psychological and pedagogical training
of the specialist in the university. First Book. Volume two.
Gabrovo 2015. (in Bulgarian).
Smantzer A.P., Kurbyko Z.S. Essential characteristics of psychologically safe heterogeneous
inclusive educational environment. // Theory and practice
of the psychological and pedagogical training of the specialist in the
university. The second book. Gabrovo 2016. (in Bulgarian).
Fedotenko I.L. Preparation of the future teacher for accompanying children
in inclusive educational institutions.//Psychological-pedagogical problems
of the development of the personality of the professional in the
conditions of the university education. Volume two. Gabrovo 2014
(in Bulgarian).
Yuvko E. Health education in Poland.// Psychological-pedagogical problems of
the development of the personality of the professional in the conditions
of the university education. Volume two. Gabrovo 2014 (in Bulgarian).
Z teorii inkluzji
Jak cytować
Rangelova, E. (2019). Zagrożenia inkluzji społecznej dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w Bułgarii. Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice I Rozprawy, 18(18(11)2018), 13-16.