Свобода и воля как экзистенциальные ориентиры поэта (на материале творчества Марины Цветаевой)




Słowa kluczowe:

feedom, will, Marina Tsvetaeva, Russian poetry


The article presents a typology of various aspects of “freedom” and “will” in Marina Tsvetaeva’s works. The poet used the core meanings of the lexemes “freedom” and “will” which are reflecting their Russian features. However, it is essential to emphasize the negative connotation, particularly associated with the lexeme “freedom” in its sociopolitical context, and the practical absence of this connotation in the lexeme “will”. The external personality-oriented aspect manifests a much broader scale: “freedom” is most frequently employed to characterize close individuals or relationships with them, while “will” describes various aspects of human relationships and dependency on others. The internal personality-oriented aspect is linked to the perception of “freedom” and “will” as moral and psychological categories. Tsvetaeva dedicates a lot of space to reflections on internal freedom and the role of will in the creative process. The philosophical aspect is associated with understanding “freedom” as a regulated order sought by the poet in life, and the search for constraints on her own will. The metaphysical understanding of “freedom” and “will” in Tsvetaeva’s works is also a result of her creative experience. The everyday aspect opens up possibilities for various metaphors of “freedom” and “will”, where these concepts replace these concepts replace, among other things, space, financial condition, absence of obligations, and more.


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Janczuk, E. (2024). Свобода и воля как экзистенциальные ориентиры поэта (на материале творчества Марины Цветаевой). Conversatoria Litteraria, 18(XVIII). https://doi.org/10.34739/clit.2024.18.08