The place of comeniology in contemporary humanities



scientific research, humanities, historiography, comeniology


Comeniological research can be recognized as the one that belongs to the broadly understood humanities. Due to the factual diversity of Comenius' creative output, which is the subject of many scientific specialties, it can be included in transdisciplinary research. In this way, comeniology is capable of constructing many genetic sequences, thanks to which Comenius' legacy and heritage is not only of a historical nature; it truly belongs to the valuable components of contemporary humanistic culture. On the other hand, however, the affiliation of comeniology to the humanities also has a darker side; looking at it from the scientific and methodological point of view, generalizations within it are not nomothetic.


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How to Cite

Sztobryn, S. . (2019). The place of comeniology in contemporary humanities. Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne Seria Pedagogika, 6, 35-42.