Wiedza i światło u Jana Amosa Komeńskiego w "Labiryncie świata i raju serca" i w twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego – podobieństwa i różnice


Słowa kluczowe:

Light, Comenius, labyrinth, Dostoevsky, Christ, man, God


In the works by John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), light often plays a key role in the interpretation of the text. This is related to the philosophy of the Baroque, according to which a person wanders through the metaphorical labyrinth of life and only later, passing through the darkness, can reach the truth. Light in Comenius' works is particularly important for cognition, to which John Amos Comenius devoted a large part of his work, both artistic and pedagogical. Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881) in his reflections on the nature of man and God also refers to the biblical interpretation according to which light is closely related to the presence of Christ. Man is faced with a choice between the light and the dark, he is lost in the choice, as if in a baroque world-maze and darkness.


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Jak cytować

Wąsowski, M. (2021). Wiedza i światło u Jana Amosa Komeńskiego w "Labiryncie świata i raju serca" i w twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego – podobieństwa i różnice. Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne Seria Pedagogika, 8(8), 185-193. https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/szk/article/view/2715