The National Defense Committee of Kosovo and the Albanian state towards the displacement of the Albanians of Kosovo in 1918-1924
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Committee, Albanian Refugees, Occupation of Kosovo, League of Nations, ColonizationAbstrakt
The political map of the Balkans changed by the end of the First Balkan War 1912-1913. The Vilayet of Kosovo was occupied by Serbia. This War and the following years brought a tragedy to the vulnerable Albanian civilian population in Kosovo. Many Kosovar Albanians were forced to leave their country or their homes and to go into exile. Most of them sheltered in Albania. Kosovars were welcomed and helped in the Albanian state, they were enabled to have a political organization and representation of their interests and rights. The organization, the National Defense Committee of Kosovo played a key role in preventing migrations and sensitizing international opinion during the years 1918-1924.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Historia i Świat
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