Polish spatial expressions in early L2 development: The impact of form-based input enhancement


  • Agnieszka Latos University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Słowa kluczowe:

gramatyka L2, początkujący uczniowie, wyrażenia przestrzenne, produkcja ustna, wzmacnianie materiału językowego, metoda nauczania: meaning-based vs. form-based


This preliminary study investigates the impact of focus-on-form input enhancement on the oral production of Polish spatial expressions by novice L2 learners. Two groups of French learners were exposed to the communicative input which differed on whether or not their attention was drawn to specific morphosyntactic properties of the target language: Form-based input vs. Meaning-based input. After 14 hoursof exposure to the TL input, the learners took a verbal route direction-giving task. The inter-group results reveal a support-ive effect of the form-based instructionon the processing and learning of target constructions. The intra-learner results imply the important role of individuality. Final findings suggest complex and multifactorial input-learner interdependences.


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Jak cytować

Latos, A. (2018). Polish spatial expressions in early L2 development: The impact of form-based input enhancement. Conversatoria Linguistica, (12), 151–169. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/conversatorialinguistica/article/view/762



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