Conversatoria Linguistica <p><strong>ISSN:</strong> 1897-1415</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> 10.34739/clg</p> <p><strong>Punktacja MEiN</strong>: 20</p> Wydawnictwo Naukowe UwS pl-PL Conversatoria Linguistica 1897-1415 Sprawozdanie z Krajowej Studencko-Doktoranckiej Konferencji Naukowej Koła Naukowego Polonistów oraz Instytutu Językoznawstwa i Literaturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo- -Humanistycznego w Siedlcach Dominika Cichosz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.09 Zwrot kulturowy w badaniach onomastycznych – sprawozdanie z XXIII Międzynarodowej i Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Onomastycznej Agnieszka Kijak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.10 Czy reklama musi sprzedawać? Rozważania o retoryce reklamy nie zawsze nastawionej na konsumpcjonizm przez pryzmat książki Oliviero Toscaniego Reklama. Uśmiechnięte ścierwo <p>This article is part of the broad theme of advertising. In it, the author briefly presents the history of advertising, going back to ancient times, and discusses the rhetoric of advertising based on the artistic work of Oliviero Toscani. In doing so, she takes into account his critical view of advertising and explains how promotional messages affect people. The visual sphere of advertising is also highlighted in the discussion. In her considerations, the author comes to the conclusion that traditionally understood advertising, which is exclusively sales-oriented and operates with an unsophisticated message, does not have to be the only form of advertising objects and services. Depending on the tools used and the author's vision, advertising can dramatically change its face, acting as a counter to consumerism.</p> Justyna Aleksandrzak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.01 Polski kabaret do 1989 roku i jego upowszechnienie poprzez technologię informacyjną jako elementy popkultury <p>This article aims to analyse the cabaret phenomenon in the context of its development and spread. The author recalls its origins, its elitist character. She also analyses the impact of the development of information technology and mass media on the access of a wider audience to cabaret performances. These have changed the nature of cabaret, from being accessible to a few to being an element of popular culture disseminated by the mass media. The article also includes a historical outline of the Polish cabaret phenomenon up to 1989.</p> Agnieszka Józwik Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2024-02-14 2024-02-14 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.02 Kształtowanie kompetencji komunikacyjnych w aspekcie psychologicznym w zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem państwa <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>State security management, like any organisation, requires not only the provision of appropriate forces and resources but also the proper transmission of information and messages. Only the ability to send and receive messages correctly ensures efficient implementation of assigned tasks, their understanding, and execution. For the process of managing them to proceed properly, it is essential to follow the rules of interpersonal communication. In this context, it is necessary to further define the elements of communication competence. They can be divided into five psychological and linguistic components. They are also determinants of proper communication (i.e. correct, appropriate, and at the same time effective). These include having a high level of communication awareness, presenting a high communication culture, active listening, using appropriate feedback,, and avoiding communication barriers. The results of research on the communication competences of the surveyed students allow us to draw the conclusion that their level of communication awareness is too low, which is a quite a disturbing phenomenon, because it is the awareness of mistakes made or deficiencies and ignorance in the discussed area that is an essential element of improving communication competence. The multitude of aspects for which communication competences are of great importance is almost unlimited, and therefore emphasing the need for their guided development and improvement is a priority.</p> Natalia Majchrzak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.03 Badania nad językowym obrazem świata a semantyka filozoficzna: w poszukiwaniu pokrewieństw <p>The goal of the paper is to determine the relation between theoretical presuppositions of linguistic worldview studies (LWS) and heterodox strains of philosophical semantics, as well as the connection with the semantic prerequisites of other schools of text linguistics, in particular corpus linguistics. Semantic consequences of the concept of defining in the LWS are presented. It is claimed that they do not pose great constrains on philosophical semantics (e.g. while the concept of stereotype developed by Hillary Putnam needs to be accepted, semantic externalism does not follow). It is proved that LWS are compatible with the concept of meaning-as-use, particularly with semantic inferentialism, as developed by Robert Brandom and Jaroslav Peregrin. The paper also considers the ontological status of meaning reconstructions proposed in the framework of the LWS, as an answer to critiques originating in more traditionalist or minimalist approaches to semantics. It is demonstrated that similar issues occur in other strains of text linguistics, for instance, in corpus linguistics. However, the paper claims that methodological precision and proper choice of a text corpus guarantee results satisfying from the perspective of empirical linguistics.</p> Piotr Mirocha Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.04 Profil kolokacyjny employment i work w brytyjskim prawie pracy <p>The paper investigates the collocational profile of two words of similar meaning, i.e. employment and work, in the UK employment law. The study is intended to shed some light on the behaviour of the two words in the specialist language context of UK employment law. It is a corpus study based on a corpus of 12 UK employment statutes compiled for the purpose of analysing this area of English legal language. The empirical material is collected and processed with Sketch Engine, a corpus analysis tool. In particular the study looks at (a) the status of the words as terminological units and synonyms, (b) word combinations in which the words appear in the corpus, (c) the meaning that the context of use implies, and (d) the potential benefits of such empirical material in the area of foreign language for special purposes use. The findings suggest that employment and work are synonyms, yet they are used in different word combinations in the context of UK employment law which may derive from the strictly legislative context that does not welcome synonymy.</p> Agnieszka Rzepkowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.05 Wstęp do rozważań na temat obrazu MEDIO AMBIENTE (ŚRODOWISKO) w języku hiszpańskim <p>The article is a collection of reflections constituting an introduction to the reconstruction of the MEDIO AMBIENTE (ENVIRONMENT) image in Spanish. In the introduction, the author discusses the methodological basis of the research, which is the theory of the linguistic image of the world and the method of its reconstruction proposed by Jerzy Bartmiński as part of the EUROJOS seminar. She then presents an analysis of the textual material, which consists of quotations that are collocations of the word medio ambiente. The results of the analysis make it possible to indicate the defining features of MEDIO AMBIENTE which constitute the image and the way of valuing the environment in Spanish.</p> Martyna Sońta Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.06 O konceptualizacji pojęcia odličan w języku serbskim: analiza synonimii i budowy wewnętrznej wyrazu <p>The word <em>odličan</em> ‘excellentʼ is used to express a positive evaluation and has a large number of synonyms, but for many of them the lexicographic sources do not provide information about the possibility of using them for expressing evaluation. Moreover, although the inner word-form of the word <em>odličan</em> speaks only of general standing out from other objects, the word itself is used only in a positive sense. The inner word-form semantic analysis gives the answer to the question why all the analyzed synonyms can be used for giving a positive evaluation. The article draws attention to a deep conceptual relationship between words with the meaning of <em>dobar</em> ‘goodʼ and <em>odličan </em>‘excellentʼ, because the same basic conceptual metaphors are used in their synonyms (dobar / odličan is up / big). It was also established that words with a positive connotation are found in the inner word-form of synonyms of <em>odličan</em> or in their definitions, including those that indicate a relationship between a positive general assessment and a positive aesthetic assessment. The meaning of <em>odličan</em> differs from “ordinary” objects in such a way that it can be conceptually associated with realm of the fantastic or unreal, which in turn triggers an emotional reaction in the observer. The language reveals that objects that are evaluated positively are treated in a unique way: they are set apart from others, they function as a topic of conversation, they acquire general approval and obtain a special status in society.</p> Marija Stefanović Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.07 Internetowe słowniki jednojęzyczne do nauki angielskiego <p>Due to the development of technology, well-established publishers began to provide their English Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries (MLDs) online and free of charge. Dictionaries of this type have their own history, as well as common and distinctive features. The article presents a brief outline of the subsequent stages of the development of English Monolingual Dictionaries, with special reference to MLDs available online. Also, the article includes a synthetic description of the primary and secondary components of a dictionary entry and demonstrates if these components are present or absent in three online Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries: the <em>Cambridge Dictionary</em>, the <em>Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English</em>, and the <em>Oxford Learner’s Dictionary</em>. The article aims to characterise, compare and contrast some of the features of a typical entry in online English MLDs. Consequently, the scientific approach adopted in the analysis is a mixture of the comparative and the empirical method. Unlike previous topic-related research, the present study shows both common and distinctive features of the mentioned dictionaries and hints at their practical advantages (from the point of view of the end user).</p> Magdalena Tomaszewska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Conversatoria Linguistica 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 10.34739/clg.2023.15.08