Fleksyjne hapax legomena w kazaniach Krzysztofa Kluka – o potencjalnym wpływie kopisty na postać tekstu


  • Konrad Kazimierz Szamryk Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Słowa kluczowe:

Krzysztof Kluk, sermons, manuscripts, turn of 18th and 19th centuries, hapax legomena


Article focuses on handwritten sermons by Father Krzysztof Kluk. We don't know if examined manuscript was the autographed, but its copy, probably made in the first decade of the nineteenth century. The scribe wrote the text as faithfully as possible, but the phenomena of language associated with the graphicphonetic plane, or the flexion of the monument in relation to Krzysztof Kluk's idiolect must decide with a caution. It should, however, ask ourselves whether in the sermons are noticed such language elements that do not fit into a dedicated text language system and may indicate the impact of the copyist? It seems that the answer to this question can be given – that is the purpose of this sketch – analyzing the inflexion system of Kluk's orations. It should be inflected the forms, which are hapax legomena in the text, while there are variants of newer, progressive trends in the Polish language the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, especial-ly if the text confirms the system functioning within a given flexemic category older ending or variant inflection of the word.


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Jak cytować

Szamryk, K. K. (2020). Fleksyjne hapax legomena w kazaniach Krzysztofa Kluka – o potencjalnym wpływie kopisty na postać tekstu. Conversatoria Linguistica, (8), 169–182. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uph.edu.pl/conversatorialinguistica/article/view/1684



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