Istota oraz zasady funkcjonowania outsourcingu w Wojsku Polskim

The essence and functioning of outsourcing in the Polish Army


  • Anna Rożej Akademia Obrony Narodowej


outsourcing, management concept, the Polish Army, military logistics


This article presents the essence and functioning of outsourcing in the Polish Army. Areas of action of the Polish Army were presented, which may be subject to contracting an outside partner. Moreover, the article presents legal rules for the separation of services. What’s more, the analysis portrays the advantages and disadvantages and the future use of modern management concepts in the Polish Army.


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How to Cite

Rożej, A. (2021). Istota oraz zasady funkcjonowania outsourcingu w Wojsku Polskim: The essence and functioning of outsourcing in the Polish Army. Zeszyty Naukowe UPH Seria Administracja I Zarządzanie, 25(98), 373–382. Retrieved from