Концепт ДОМОВИНА у српском језику (на системском материјалу)




Słowa kluczowe:

the concept of homeland, system data, cognitive definition, Serbian language, cognitive etnolinguistics


The paper presents the results of comprehensive research on the concept of HOME in the Serbian language based on the analysis of system material from the relevant dictionaries of the Serbian language, in accordance with the methodological and theoretical principles of Lublin cognitive ethnolinguistics and the EUROJOS seminar. An effort was made to present its main features and values in the circle of related concepts we reconstructed in our previous research, with which it forms a common concept sphere: HOME, MOTHER, PEOPLE and the self-stereotype of SERBIAN. The research in this paper is primarily based on the analysis of the content of the dictionary definitions of the lexemes homeland and fatherland, which are used to name the concept, and the analysis of all their characteristic lexical-semantic relationships: hyperonimic and hyponymic, synonymy, antonymy, derivational, creative and semantic character, syntagmatic with the aim of reconstructing the content of this term, its stable and variable part, with all relevant aspects of realization. Also, to highlight different models of man's relationship to his homeland in different historical periods and the values attributed to him in the Serbian language, in accordance with the principles of cognitive definition.


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Jak cytować

Ristić, S., & Lazić-Konjik, I. (2022). Концепт ДОМОВИНА у српском језику (на системском материјалу). Conversatoria Linguistica, (14). https://doi.org/10.34739/clg.2022.14.05



Studia i Rozprawy