Współczesne koncepcje zarządzania wspomagające zarządzanie strategiczne w przedsiębiorstwie
Contemporary management concepts supporting strategic management in an enterprise
Słowa kluczowe:
business processes, IT support, Business Process Reengineering, Balanced ScorecardAbstrakt
The purpose of the enterprise is to seek to maximize profit. Companies must formulate a strategy that will enable them to achieve this overarching objective. The guarantor of the proper implementation of the strategy and its continuous adaptation to a changing business environment is a strategic management. It involves decisions concerning the delimitation lines of action of the company and ways to achieve them.There are various tools to support strategic management. Their role is constantly growing due to the need for continuous improvement of quality management. Many modern concepts and tools of strategic management company based in whole or in part on assumptions of a process approach. The article describes selected concepts of strategic management, which are the core business processes occurring in the enterprise, ie.: Balanced Scorecard and Business Process Reengineering. Also described tool that supports the management of business processes - a system ADONISBOC Information Technologies Consulting.