About the Journal

"Management and Administration Journal"  is an international journal publishing the results of research on administration and management. The research problems discussed refer to issues that are the subjects of studies done by scholars all over the world in the area of administration and management. The Scientific Council and the team of reviewers are from domestic and foreign research and academic centres. The Journal is published by the University of Siedlce, the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences.

       It has been on the market since 2002 (and as a quarterly since 2009). It changed its name as it developed:

  • 2002-2006 “Menedżer” (ISSN 1644-308X);
  • 2006-2009 “Zeszyty Naukowe. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie” (ISSN 1896-5822);
  • 2009-2010 “Zeszyt Naukowe Akademii Podlaskiej. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie” (ISSN 1896-5822);
  • 2010-2024 “Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie” (ISSN 2082-5501).

  The Journal mission is to create a pluralistic forum for the exchange of scientific opinions and to disseminate scientific achievements in the field of social sciences by publishing advanced theoretical and empirically research results embedded in the field of:

  • management and quality science,
  • politics and administration,
  • economics and finance,
  • legal sciences (administrative and economic law).

    Articles published in the Journal present a wide range of innovative perspectives and interdisciplinary approach to the issues under examination. The growing number of foreign authors and reviewers is the best evidence of high substantive level of the journal.     

  Articles are published in Polish, English and other congress languages in electronic format. The Journal is open access. Full texts of papers published in the Journal are available on the Journal website. All articles are made available under Creative Commons CC BY-NC licence (Attribution - Noncommercial).
Additionally from 2023 articles in the journal appear as preprints.

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       The editorial board follows the policy of preventing the cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship.

       The Journal has adopted a business model based on the assumption that the financial means obtained are fully designed for covering the costs connected with publishing the Journal and improving its publishing standards.

       The Journal is also listed in the Part B of the List of Scientific Periodicals issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Communications of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). The Journal has had the following ratings: 2024 - 40 points; 2023 - 70 points; 2021 - 40 points; 2020 - 20 points; 2019 - 20 points; 2018 – 9 points; 2017 – 9 points; 2016 – 9 points; 2015 – 9 points; 2014 – 8 points; 2013 – 8 points; 2012 – 6 points; 2011 – 2 points; 2010 – 2 points; 2009 – 2 points.