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  • Camera Separatoria
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  • Conversatoria Linguistica
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  • Conversatoria Litteraria
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  • De Securitate et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal
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  • Doctrina. Social and Political Journal
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  • Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature
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  • Historia i Świat
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  • Kultura Bezpieczeństwa
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  • Management and Administration Journal
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  • Matematyka Poglądowa
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  • Mięso. Uniwersytecka Propaganda Sztuki
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  • Officina Historiae
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  • Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses
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  • Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne seria Pedagogika
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  • Studia Informatica. System and information technology
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  • Szkice Podlaskie
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  • Tempus
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