About the Journal
The journal "Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature" acts as a forum for innovative and challenging research in the areas of literature, linguistics, philosophy and cultural studies. The broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of the journal as well as not being confined solely to Anglophone Studies actively promotes a multiplicity of critical approaches for the express purposes of positioning itself within a wider debate encompassing the evolution of critical trends and fostering new areas of contemporary research.
ICV 2023 = 84.37
Aims and Scope
The Journal acts as a forum for innovative and challenging research in the areas of literature, linguistics, philosophy and cultural studies. The broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of the journal (as well as not being restricted to Anglophone Studies) actively promotes a multiplicity of critical approaches for the express purposes to position itself within a wider debate encompassing the evolution of critical trends as well as to open up of new and exciting areas of contemporary research.
Forum is an annual, peer-reviewed journal.
Our journal adopts the publication ethic guidelines as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For reference see COPE guidelines https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines and its detailed flowcharts https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Flowcharts.
The summary of the selected COPE guidelines is presented below.
Duties of the Author
Authorship of the manuscript: authorship refers to those who have made a substantial contribution to the article and have accountability for the work that was done and its presentation in a publication. Ghostwriting and guest authorship are considered bad publication practice. The contributors list should also include anybody who analysed data or prepared the first draft. Non-author contributors may be named in the acknowledgements. Before submitting the manuscript, it is necessary to ensure that all the authors have been listed and have approved the final version of the paper.
Originality and plagiarism: Authors should ensure that the work they have submitted is original. If the authors have used the work or words of others, they need to be cited or quoted according to generally accepted standards. Plagiarism is viewed as unethical behaviour and is not acceptable. Authors need to be sure they have obtained all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright material used in their work.
Data access and retention: As raw data is a building block for the submitted article, authors should be prepared to submit raw data for editorial review and provide access to this data if asked by the editorial board or reviewers; also, they should ensure that the data in question is retained for one year from the time of publication.
Multiple or concurrent publication: Authors should ensure that a manuscript presenting their research is neither submitted nor published in any other journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes autoplagiarism and, as such, is unethical publishing behaviour and thus not acceptable.
Authors are expected to revise their manuscripts according to reviewers’ comments, otherwise the editor may deny the publication of the article.
There are no article submission or procession charges.
Duties of the editor
Monitoring the ethical standards: The responsibilities of the editorial board include monitoring the ethical standards of the scientific publications and taking appropriate measures against any malpractices if the need arises.Partiality: When deciding whether to accept or reject a given manuscript, the crucial features which are taken into consideration include the quality of the work, its originality, clarity and its relevance to the scope of the journal. The manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of their scientific merit without any discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political ideology.Confidentiality: The editors ensure that all materials submitted to the journal remain confidential during the entire review process. They do not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the authors, reviewers and potential reviewers.
Duties of the reviewer
Promptness and expertise: When approached by the journal’s editorial board, reviewers need to consider if they have the necessary expertise and time to submit a review. Any reviewer who does not feel competent to review the manuscript or knows that they will not be able to meet specified deadlines should notify the editors as soon as possible.
Confidentiality: All the reviewed manuscripts must be treated as confidential documents and as such they must not be shared or discussed with third parties, except for the members of the editorial board.
Objectivity: Reviews should be conducted objectively so that they can provide unbiased feedback on the scholarly merits and the scientific value of the work, together with the documented basis for the reviewer’s opinion. Reviewers should express their views clearly and support them with appropriate arguments. Personal comments or criticism of the authors are considered inappropriate and should be avoided.
Anonymity: All reviews are conducted anonymously and the editors do not disclose information concerning the reviewers.
Reviewing procedure
Manuscripts submitted to Forum need to fall within the aims and scope of the Journal and undergo the reviewing process with respect to originality, methodology, importance of findings as well as quality of result presentation. Submissions should not be sent for consideration to other journals/ volumes. Academic papers will go through a double-blind peer-review process, which means it will be reviewed anonymously and recommended to be accepted without revision, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions or rejected. The decision will be supported by specific remarks and comments, and with propositions of improvement, when necessary.
Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review. The reviewers are given up to three months to carry out their assessment. Suggestions for revisions will be sent to the authors, who are expected to revise their manuscripts.
Articles are subject to anti-plagiarism control before publication. The editorial office uses an anti-plagiarism system provided by the Publishing House of University of Siedlce.Publishing Schedule
The article proposals are welcomed on the rolling basis. The deadline for manuscripts is 31 May if the manuscript is to be considered for publication in the same calendar year. The journal is published annually and released in the second half of November – first half of December.
Copyright and access
Forum is an open-access journal, which enables its users to read, download, print and use publications for any lawful purposes. Self-archiving is permitted. Thus authors may deposit the published PDF version of their articles in academic and institutional repositories as well as publish their articles on their personal websites.
The submission of a manuscript for publication in Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature grants the Editors of the journal the right and license to publish the submission on the journal’s website. The author retains copyrights and publishing rights (from 2023) . Forum is an open access journal according to the Creative Commons licence.
Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature is an academic journal that is published under the auspices of the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, University of Siedlce.